Meeting with the poet SERSE CARDELLINI

Sunday in poetry with writing poetry - second meeting

Sipping a glass with Serse, the bard oenologist, is equivalent to perceiving tastes that go down in depth with an exhausting and pacifying slowness at the same time. The alchemical distillate of earthly fruits flooded by the Sun descends into the dark bowels of your body and becomes entangled in your carnal materiality. And who of odorous resonances reverberate in your body texture, and such scents become words that are engraved in fiery characters on the plates of your memory. The body is shaken by this linguistic earthquake and a sapiential shiver expels the waste that dulls the pores of the perceptive capacity of the world.
Serse Cardellini, Bardo and poet from Pesaro, returns with his bewildering poetry and extraordinary depth: a poetic journey into the heart of man that confronts himself with the wonder and fear of existence, here and now.

In dialogue with the publisher PIETRO FRATTA

Write Poetry Editions



Born in Pesaro in 1976, where he lives. Poet, anthropologist, philosopher of religions, operator in health and social sciences and holistic operator in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the field of poetry he founded the Thauma Edizioni Association, of which he is President from 2005 to 2015; from 2011 to 2013 he is Literary Director of the AMP (World Academy of Poetry) inaugurated by UNESCO in 2001, for which he edited the anthology Poetry and Peace collecting works of sixty poets from five continents.

Some of his poetic publications are:

L’Archipoeta (Edizioni OCD 2007); Atlantide (Thauma 2008); Il mio Orfeo (Thauma 2010); Né giorno né notte (Greta 2011); Cantico lunatico (Thauma 2011); Vita morte e miracoli (Forme Libere 2011); Autopsia-Teopsia (Thauma 2013); Bibliomachia (Thauma 2014); Guida. Poetic Itineraries of Italy (Thauma 2014); Dell'inutile (Gilgamesh 2015). With Fara he published the novel L'Ateone, winner of the competition Narrabilando 2017.

With Cinque Natali he left his first poetic contribution to ScriverePoesia Edizioni.

He has published Cose che dicono niente (2011), Carni Raccolte (IVVI, 2020) and Le Forme di un corpo (independent publication, 2022).

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