Ilda Boccassini at Fano
Guest of Unisaperi, Ilda Boccassini presents her book “La stanza n. 30. Chronicles of a life”
The former magistrate of Mani Pulite converses with the journalist Lionello Mancini
“Just before I retired, I started cleaning the office where I've worked for decades, going over old papers to decide what to keep. Not an easy operation, because it's like handling shreds of life, scraps of joy and pain, hope and frustration. But it's been my life and it's up to me to decide what to do with it."
These are the words with which Ilda Boccassini opens her book, La stanza n. 30. Chronicles of a life, published by Feltrinelli, which he will present at the former Church of Santa Maria del Gonfalone in Fano, on Friday 21 April at 17.30, together with the journalist Lionello Mancini, a meeting organized by the Università dei Saperi "Giulio Grimaldi".
The former magistrate of the Mani Pulite pool worked for 40 years at the Milan prosecutor's office, from 1979 to 2019 (with a Sicilian parenthesis between 1992 and 1995), that is, at the judicial office that contributed to making the history of Italy. When he arrives there he immediately understands that life will not be easy. Picking up on the pale discontent of the then public prosecutor, Corriere della Sera commented the same day that "investigative work is not very suitable for women: maternity and male family concerns are reconciled with hard, stressful and even dangerous work". Thus begins a melee inside and outside the prosecutor's office, which will last until the day of retirement, in December 2019.
Nicknamed "Ilda the redhead", she was for many a symbol of justice and a model of woman, for others a political enemy. For the first time he tells his story: from the investigation into the mafia massacres of 1992 to the trials with defendant Silvio Berlusconi. A judicial journey always lived on the front line through the events that she happened to follow. An autobiography which is both the biography of a woman, of a prosecutor and of the judiciary, in some ways of a nation. A sincere and courageous book, which does not discount anyone.