Storie Straordinarie 2023 | XI edizione
A review of books, meetings, stories
On 16 and 17 May 2023, the Memo will host two days of initiatives and meetings dedicated to the culture of diversity, disability and inclusion.
The program includes an exhibition of special books, readings, and educational moments for those involved, in everyday life or by profession, disability and for those simply curious to know more.
Tuesday 16 May at 15:30
Training meeting on
"THE PROJECT OF LIFE" Pietro BERTI, Psychologist Family Coach
Meeting for families, social workers, Umee/UmeaAST teams, teachers and educators
Wednesday 17 May at 15:30
Presentation of the book "Autistico a chi?" (Pathos Edizioni) author Paola GIOSUE'
Presentation aimed in particular at families with autistic children, teachers and educators
6 pm
Readings for children and girls 0-6 years and their families, by schools 0-6, the Coordination psychopedagogical and coordination of the support service of the City of Fano.
from 16 to 21 May 2023
Exhibition of special books in LIS, CAA, Pop-Up, Large Characters